Paul Mansfield in 90 Seconds

Faster than sex, but not as much fun

Paul Mansfield
2 min readMar 16, 2022


Self Portrait by author, © Paul Mansfield on FLICKR

Since I required a biography for Marie A. Rebelle and May More’s Blogable Fiction Marathon I’m helping judge, and Medium has rolled out About pages with formatting options, I cranked out this tidy little autobiography. And as any good Medium writer will tell you, reuse, reuse, reuse. Wring every penny you can from your writing.

Believe what you will of it, as I am a writer of fictions.

Born in rural Southern Ontario (that’s in Canada), books were his escape. His escape from the mundanity of life in a village dominated by the white bean and stupidity. Yes, the lowly white bean was the lifeblood of his hometown, and he hated beans. With only three television channels available, all broadcasting The Farm Report, Paul did what any sane person would do. He took refuge in the written word.

Books were his saviour until he got the hell out of that town. He then took refuge in the burgeoning London, Ontario punk rock scene, cheap booze, cheap women and other anti-social behaviours. With an attitude unfazed with reality, he stumbled through university, squeaking out a BA in English Literature from the University of Western Ontario. He also finished top of his class in Business Information Systems somewhere else.



Paul Mansfield

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.