Weekly Roundup — May 29, 2021

My week in writing

Paul Mansfield
2 min readMay 29, 2021


self-portrait © Paul Mansfield

Tales tell themselves. We’re just conduits for the telling.

~ Paul Mansfield ~

Hey there…

Back again with another recap of my week’s writing — actually publishing. There are stories written that haven’t been published (yet), and stories that haven’t been finished (and some that don’t want to be finished)

Big News

Other than having stories published, I have other big news this week.

Firstly, I have joined the editorial team of Zane Dickens and Mark Farrar on the fantastic microfiction/flash fiction journal Microcosm.

As well, I have been named a Medium Top Writer for #microfiction, #speculative-fiction, and #centina. As Top Writers come and go, hopefully, I will still be one next week.

Writing Prompts



Paul Mansfield

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.